Springfield Christian School

Elementary & Jr. High Teachers

  • Springfield Christian School
  • Springfield, IL
  • Part Time
  • About 14 hours ago


Job Description

Always Accepting Applications

We appreciate your interest in joining our ministry at Springfield Christian School. We invite you to fill out an Instructional Staff Application and return it to the SCS Office. If an opening occurs for which you may qualify, we will notify you and discuss next steps in our process (including meeting for a personal interview, sending your placement file to our office, completing a Stage 2 Application, etc.).

Believing that the key to a successful Christian school is its staff, we seek professionally qualified applicants who, like Christ, genuinely love children and who, by the pattern of their lives, are Christian role models (Luke 6:40). We look forward to receiving your application.

SCS teachers are charged with equipping students to follow Christ and impact the world for Him. As an SCS staff member, they live out a compelling relationship with Jesus Christ, which is central to daily instruction and interactions with students, parents, and team members. Our staff see students as more than just young people to lead toward curriculum mastery. They also see each student as someone created on purpose, for a purpose – unique individuals to be known and loved.

Our teachers are essential in helping students discover their identity in Christ and thrive in a school community that values excellence in spiritual and academic development.

SCS Teachers:

  • Demonstrate a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Have a passion for connecting students with Christ and His mission
  • Are emotionally and spiritually healthy
  • Lead students to achieve excellent outcomes
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary institution
  • Hold an Illinois Teaching License (or be eligible to hold state-level teaching certification/licensure)

Note: Subject Area Teachers must also be able to lead SCS students to master a specific subject area curriculum.

Employment Diversity at Springfield Christian School

Springfield Christian School affirmatively commits to recruiting and hiring men and women who reflect diversity at all levels of the school. We believe that:

  • God has redeemed for Himself, through the blood of His Son, people "from every tribe and language and people and nation" (Revelation 5:9);
  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news to the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the blind, and the oppressed (Luke 4:18); and
  • Unity in diversity is rooted in God's character and nature and is a creational norm (Genesis 10-11).

The employment of staff at Springfield Christian School is clearly one of the most significant responsibilities of its leadership. To achieve our mission, we engage in work strategically implemented by men and women whom we believe God has called to serve in the educational programs and services of the school. Therefore, we will pursue people for employment who:

  • are committed followers of Christ,
  • reflect a lifestyle consistent with a Biblically integrated perspective as a Christian role model, and
  • have the skills and professional qualifications to carry out the responsibilities of the given position effectively.

Springfield Christian School invites anyone meeting these criteria to apply for an open position for which they qualify.

The Application Process

Our greatest asset in advancing our mission is our people. Therefore, we seek to fill all positions at SCS with exceptional individuals and designed our process to ensure we consider each applicant thoroughly. Stage 1 of our process is an application, where we consider an applicant's training and experience, qualifications, resume, interest, and some responses to questions to determine if we believe a potential match exists. We've established this stage so prospective applicants can come from a pool of individuals we believe can match our needs.

As a Christian community, Springfield Christian School is dedicated to upholding our Christian beliefs and mission. Therefore, it is crucial that we thoroughly assess all applicants' beliefs and actions in relation to faith, character, morals, conduct, and their potential interactions with students. The candidate process may include various stages such as screening, essay responses, reviewing educational experience, references, personal interviews, and interactions with our staff on our campus or otherwise. We may also review other information about a candidate they have made public.

Working at SCS is a fulfilling calling for the right people, and we are genuinely excited to get to know you and discern a potential fit for our needs. Please understand that we seek to be as diligent and efficient as possible (even as we often receive a high volume of interest).

By continuing, you understand the process as described above and agree and consent to being examined regarding your Christian beliefs and fit within our Christian mission.

Interested candidates should complete the applicable application and return it to the SCS Office. You may submit your application via email to [email protected], send it by mail, or drop it off at the school (2850 Cider Mill Lane, Springfield, IL 62702).

Jobs of Interest